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rules of

the race

conditions of

1. To be totally aware of the length and the specifications of the event and to be perfectly prepared for it.

2. To have acquired, prior to the race, a real capacity for self- sufficiency in the mountains, which permits the management of problems induced by this type of course, and notably:

• To know how to face,without outside help, climatic conditions which can become very difficult due to the altitude (night, wind, cold, fog, rain or snow).
• To know how to manage, even if one finds oneself isolated, physical or mental problems arising from high fatigue, digestive problems, muscular or joint pain, minor ailments.
• To be fully aware, that it is not the role of the organisation to help a runner to overcome these problems and that for such an activity in the mountains security depends on the capacity of the runner to adapt to the problems encountered or envisaged.
• To be able to navigate by means of GPS and/or topographical map the unmarked route.

3. There will be no unofficial participants.

4. Each participant must complete the entire course under his/her own power and without any outside assistance except for support at the designated seconding zone CP6 Balloch. No “MULING” (carrying of another participants’ equipment, food, etc. allowed); no towing another participant allowed.

compulsory gear

Please ensure you have all the necessary gear for the race, all your compulsory items will be checked. Failure to produce the requested items will result in immediate disqualification.

Other recommended equipment (non-exhaustive)

• 1 pair of sun glasses
• 1 hat
• A first-aid kit which allows the treatment of small injuries and minor infections as well as any allergy medication or individual specific medication (non- exhaustive list attached)
• Walking poles
• Other spare clothing
• Sunscreen, Vaseline or
anti chafing cream

compulsory medical check

Participants doing the 100km event will be medically checked at Race Registration and will be assessed again at Balloch before being allowed to proceed. The medical staff in charge of the medical check will have the absolute discretion to refuse a participant to continue en route until their condition has been stabilised or they have remedied the condition that would endanger the participant’s health should they have continued.

athlete insurance

It is HIGHLY recommended that each competitor
must be in possession
of individual medical aid and accident insurance covering all eventual costs of search and rescue and evacuation by air.

NB: Evacuation transported by helicopter or any other means are always at your own expense.

photographic rights

All competitors expressly renounce their rights to photographs taken during the event, just as they renounce all recourse in opposition to the organiser and its agreed partners in the use of their image.

no Litter policy

Participants may not litter on the course in anyway whatsoever. Participants reported for littering
will receive a heavy time penalty. Please leave only footprints

EMergency procedure

First Aid Kit

In the event of an accident:
By consulting your GP before leaving home you can obtain prescribed medicines that are best adapted to the situation and also verify that they will not cause any side affects or allergies…

We suggest that you have the following (the list is not exhaustive and does not take account of any habitual treatments)

Dressings, bandages, creams
• Self-adhesive elasticised bandage (6 cm)
Eg : elastoplast without dressing strip…

For ankle strapping or to hold a dressing in place
• Support bandage (8 cm)
• Sterile dressings
• Small capsules of antiseptic • Sterile compresses
• Antiseptic eye-wash/drops

Highly Recommended

The race HQ based at the Finish and the CP marshalls and sweepers along the route will be the runners’ only interlocutors to whom they may turn concerning any problems they encounter. If necessary, they will be responsible for alerting and co-ordinating the public rescue services.

• The runners should initially use their first- aid kit.
• Should they need to consult a medic face to face they should go to the nearest CP manned by Medics (CPs 3; 4; 6; 7; 8 and Finish).
• In an emergency or when it is impossible to move, alert fellow athletes, the race HQ and the Race Safety Officer by any way possible.
• Stay on the ROUTE supplied. Do not deviate off the route unless it is required to obtain cell phone signal.
• If possible proceed to nearest CP for help.
• Determine your GPS co- ordinates to be able to inform race HQ.
• Stay warm, dry and visible.
• Self rescue to nearest CP is optimal.